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Isolated Soy Protein

SUPRO® Soy Proteins, SUPRO® XT Soy Protein, SUPRO® PLUS Soy Protein

Soy protein isolate is a type of protein extracted from soybeans, offering a very high protein content of up to 90%, making it higher than most other plant-based proteins.

Product Description

Isolated Soy Protein

  • SUPRO® and SUPRO® EX Isolated Soy Proteins
  • SUPRO® XT Isolated Soy Protein
  • SUPRO® PLUS Nutritional Beverage Powders


Mixed Phosphate

Commonly known as "sticky starch," it helps the product retain water, keeping it soft and preserving its flavor. Phosphates work by binding water in the structure, allowing more water to be added during the production process.

Caramel Color Powder

Made from corn and cane sucrose

A dark to black food coloring is commonly used in foods and drinks like Thai tea and coffee. It is also used as a color additive in products such as meatballs, fish sauce, soy sauce, and various sauces to enhance their appearance and make them more appetizing.

Citric Acid Monohydrate

Citric acid, also known as lemon acid, is a white powder with a sour, tangy taste. It is a weak acid naturally found in all sour fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, and various types of berries.

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